Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reflection on create an island

During end of October and beginning of November, we completed a huge project in Humanities class. Our assignment was to create our own islands.

At the beginning, we had to make a birds-eye view map of the island and to mark forests, bodies of water, mountains, as well as cities and other physical features. In this map, we drew a scale, legend and the compass rose. We located our islands in longitude and latitude. Then we had to make up  history of our island, its language, religion and government. We also printed money and its flag. Next task was to write down briefly about the economy, which animals live there and what plants and fruit can grow on our island.  After that, we had to make  climate, population, and industry maps. Of course, all our maps had legends to help read and understand them.

After we finished all that, we needed to make a tourist brochure in Microsoft Publisher. We all tried to present our islands in the best possible way in order to attract many visitors. At that point we were finished with island creation, and the only thing which was left was to present it to the others. My island was good and there were no errors while " building it". Presentation went fine and I enjoyed doing this project.

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