Wednesday, November 30, 2011

PBS NOVA: Becoming Human: Last Human Standing

"Last Human Standing." Becoming Human. PBS. Nova, n.p., 31 Aug. 2011. Television. 
As we know, we are the last human standing. But why?  What happened to all the others? Why are we the ones who
are the last humans standing? To answer these questions, some deep investigation needs to take place. But now, the 
answers are revealed. The key laid in Africa, the place where it all started. In the beginning, over 20 types of humans 
lived before us. Then came the Homo Heidi. They lived for many years. And then another species started to show up, 
the Neanderthals. They were more closer to us than the Heidi. But then scientists found something extraordinary,
a Neanderthal that was so close to us, he might have even spoken. This boy was called Skladina Boy, after the cave it's 
bones were found in.
     This was the time we started living. And now we are the only ones standing. To find out why, scientists need to go to 
the seaside, and the answer to this question was found on the seaside of France. The answer is we changed our diet.
The neanderthals ate only meat, so if there was lack of meat, the neanderthals would have nothing to eat and they would 
die out. So, we decided to change what we eat, and make our food opportunities broader. That means we ate more stuff
then our ancestors.  So slowly, one by one, our ancestors died out, and we are the last humans standing.

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