Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hammurabi's Babylonia

Landau, Eleine. "Hammurabi's Babylonia." The Babylonians. New York: Holt,RInehart and Winston, 2010. 
pg 39-44. Print. 
The first Babylonian king, Hammurabi, created the book of over 280 laws. 
Some of his laws are fair and some are unfair. For example, it is fair to
kill a person if he is supposed to put out a fire, but instead he gets
into the fire and steals things from the inside. This law is correct.
But then, there are some laws that are not that fair. For example, if
the builder builds a house and it collapses and kills the owner,the builder
should killed.Not fair. Or, it the owner's son gets killed, the builder's son
should be killed. It's not his fault that the building that his father built
and collapsed. But on the other side, the builder didn't know that he made 
a poorly built house,it's not his fault. So, as you can see, the justice,
law and order weren't so fair at that time. People that lived in ancient
Mesopotamia couldn't have been so great and the people didn't have much

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