Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why We study Human Origins

Why We Study Human Origins
By Randall Susman
Calliope: Exploring World History

  This is an article about people who researched about our ancestors. Why did they do this? Some people want to know why and when were we made. And where did our era start. There are many theories to answer these questions, but this article focused on the apes and monkey theorie, as well as Darwin's theory and his conclusion.
   In 1800's Darwin started focusing on how plants and animals evolved overtime and his theory became the theory of Evolution. From that, a scientist named Henry Huxley started to compare apes and monkeys using Darwin's theory. He came up with a very surprising and unexpected conclusion, ape's brain is much more similar to human brain than to a monkeys brain.

Susman, Rendall. "Why We Study Human Origins." Calliope: Exploring World History Sept. 1999: 4-5. 

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