Saturday, October 1, 2011

Human ancestor may put twist in Origin Story

    Two million  years old bones were found, in Africa. They might represent the first apelike human ancestors. Two skeletons were found, which might be related. How scientists say, the skeletons were a type called Australopithecus sediba. It was one of the first species to use tools properly, so it might be the species from which humans started to create. The archeologists even found skin on the remains, which is very unusual for this long ago.  The find also gives us a clue that they already could walk upright. They could still climb trees, but also walk upright on ground, like humans. The female Sediba had a very long thumb, which gives a clue that it could have a good grip, needed to make tools.
    This reveals a lot about our ancestors, because our tradition seem to start long time ago, which is quite surprising. This is amazing because the apes are really close to our species, they share same traits.

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