Friday, September 30, 2011

Huge Gladiator school Found Buried in Austria

  This article speaks about a huge gladiator school which was found buried in Vienna, Austria. Archeologists say that the size of the school is huge, and that it is almost the size of the Colosseum. Archeologists say that it is definitely the hugest artifact that they ever found in their carriers. Some even say that it is important, but the reason for them saying that is still unknown.
   The theories say that the school might have a connection with the blockbuster The Gladiator.  Next to the school, was the building where they kept the animals for gladiator battles. The school was used sometimes as a arena for battles. The whole complex altogether was 19.000 square meters, which is the size of nearly two Usce's.
  What I found very interesting, is that a complex that big could fit in the ground.

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