Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How do historians learn about the past?

  Historians have to follow certain steps in order to make a successful archeological dig, they need to follow certain steps. First they need to gather as much sources as they can, equal lot of primary ( most important) and secondary ( less important) sources. Then, they need to categorize the sources into written and non- written. Written sources are sources on which something is written on, and non written are sources which show you important things visually. Thirdly, they evaluate their sources, they question the source by finding out what it is, who left the artifact where it was found, where was it from, when was this artifact found, How did it come there. After that, the historians Interpret their information by taking notes on what they found out, and they observe how the artifact is changing from time to time. Lastly, a group of historians who worked on this site, gather together and share what they found while digging down or what theories they came up with about a certain artifact. 

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