Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is history and why do we study it

  The answer to this question I will give you in this blog post. To find the answer to this question, you don't need to research much, you just need to use your  brain and think.
    Well, history is learning about the past, about civilizations, events, people,wars etc. It is important to learn about history to learn how things have changed from then to now. For example, did the clothing change over time. Or, did the cities get bigger, and did the architecture improve over time. We need to know when something historical happened, for example when did the World War 1 start, or when was the Berlin wall destroyed. Some parts of history are good, for example the freedom of slaves On the other side there are bad things that happened in history, for example, the civil war. Also, we need to " meet" someone who did something big in his lifetime. Some examples of these people are Abraham Lincoln, Hitler and Columbus.

We are not makers of history. We are made by history.
.Martin Luther King


1 comment:

  1. Good job Stefan. I like the fact you have many examples, and I also like the picture which 'finishes' your post.
