Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where did humans tend to settle and why?

   People were very careful where they settle in ancient times. They needed to be careful because they had to grow crops and to plant things which are necessary if you want to survive. So, people enjoyed more places where the climate is acceptable for agriculture and for a satisfactory life. The climate which is the best for agriculture  is not too hot, because the plants would dehydrate of the heat, but not too cold because cold weather can affect plants or animals badly. Another thing which they look for is the topography ideal for whatever type of cattle of plants the humans want to take care of. Topography is the region of a place, so it might be mountainous, which is not so ideal for some living things.
  The most acceptable landscapes the farmers would like is meadows with some forest and places for the cattle to eat, and for the plants to grow. This is ideal because it's easy to settle, there are no factories or cars close by, or there is no urban night life which can disturb the family when they are asleep. When the area is next to a city, there is a lot of air pollution, which can make the animals sick. Also, if there is a lake or water next to it, the animals can get poisoned or get a stomach virus. Also, the plants and crops can die if the owners give them to drink the water from that body of water. Also, if people have a sickness, the air is fresher in the countryside than in urban areas. It can help if you have asthma or lung cancer.

In the map above, the green part is the best for farmers with animals and crops, because there are many meadows and the air is fresh because it is far away from the urban areas. 

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